Metrolab and EPFL has collaborated since the beginning of Metrolab activity.
Here you can find events, contents and missions on which both worked together:
- Brussels ecosystems in space. Solving the paradox between non-spatial ecosystem and design distance criterion
- "Dessiner la transition c'est maintenant" séances exceptionnelles pendant la crise sanitaire
- Dessiner la Transition
- The Forms of Urban Hospitality
- ARCH (Action-Research Collective for Hospitality)
- The role of third-places in the making of public spaces
- Metrolab associé au Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
- "Scaffolds - Open encounters with Society, Art and Architecture"
- Cartographier les usages, représenter les territoires
- City and Production Days on 13th and 16th October 2017
- Research seminars cycle "Cities in the metabolic loop | and design"
- "Ville Territoire Paysage" - ENSAP Lille