Metrolab at the research seminar "Ville Territoire Paysage" - ENSAP Lille


Bernard Declève, Marine Declève, Roselyne de Lestrange, Barbara Le Fort, Jean-Philippe De Visscher and Marco Ranzato, participated in the second edition of the research seminar Ville Territoire Paysage (VTP) at the ENSAP Lille: "Recherche et projet : productions spécifiques et apports croisés".

The presentation "Les clairs obscurs des représentations de projet : pistes d'articulation entre recherche académique et projet urbain" by the LOCI team came back on the inquiry methodology the urbanist team of Metrolab is pushing forward in its own researches aiming to understand to which metropolitan and urban project(s) the entire program and each of the 46 ERDF subsidized projects contribute. Do they bring together the conditions of an urban project for Brussels, and if not, how can they be helped to evolve in this direction? Investigating the cases of the Halle Libelco, Droh!me and Abattoirs, the talk presented some intermediate results questioning both the diversity of the governance models (private, public, mixed) underlying the program and some paradoxes revealed in the visual and literal representations of the projects. This panel has been discussed together with Bruno Notteboom (UAntwerpen) and Emeric Lambert (EPFL).

The presentation "Insidie del progetto come strumento per indagare la storia del nostro futuro e farci capire meglio il nostro presente" by Marco Ranzato has been discussed together with Elena Cogato-Lanza (EPFL).

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