Research abstract
Mobility is a critical challenge for the Brussels Capital-Region. Even if this issue has been investigated for more than two decades in the region, projects with a supra-regional approach have received less attention. Yet in transportation matters, Brussels cannot be limited into its administrative boundaries. Moreover, mobility issues are linked with other metropolitan topics, such as the financing of the Region, the accessibility and the social cost of the access to the city and the attractiveness of the city both at the local, metropolitan and global level. Based on a multidisciplinary and interuniversity approach, gathering knowledge and know-how of the ULB-IGEAT and VUB-MOBI research units, this project has the ambition of tackling the interregional mobility questions and aims at identifying sustainable transport solutions and developing tools for interregional decision making. This way, the project contributes to designing solutions needed to reach the objectives of Brussels-Capital Region’ authorities about mobility. It fits also within the approach of the regional plan for sustainable development (PRDD/GPDO).
Topics: urban production