Geoffrey Grulois holds a master in engineering and architecture (FPMs & Tokyo University) and a PhD in urbanism (ULB). He is teaching at La Cambre school of Architecture since 2004 and at the Faculty of Architecture of ULB since 2011. Since 2012 he is the coordinator of LOUISE – research Laboratory on Urbanism, Infrastructure and Ecologies.
Research abstract
In a time of economic crisis and strong environmental pressure, cities and metropolitan regions are key factors towards a sustainable future. In Europe, despite the fact that industries are being taken out of urban areas, cities and metropolitan regions continue to generate most of the negative externalities of the global economy by concentrating water and air pollution and waste production. The traditionnal discipline and education of architecture and urbanism need to deeply progress in order to cope with these environnemental problems. In order to reduce the dependence of cities and metropolitan regions on external resources of water, energy and materials, and to reduce negative externalities, this research foresees to re-conceptualize the discipline of urbanism according to an ecosystemic approach.
To know more about Geoffrey's contribution in the framework of Metrolab:
- Geoffrey Grulois moderates a panel on sustainable mobilities for the EU Green Week
- Metrolab organise the MasterClass "Designing Brussels Ecosystems"
- Metrolab organises the "Brussels Ecosystems" conference
- Coopération avec IUAV - Venice School of Architecture, Architecture and Arts Department
- Cycle de conférences "Landscape/Urbanism Practice"
- MasterClass working group’s scientific mission in the United States
- Final jury of Metropolitan e-studio & Space Speculation
- Colloque "L'invention du Grand Paris"
- Evening Lecture "In comes the space producer"
- Metrolab launch seminar
- Evening Lecture "Urban research what for?"
- [PhD Defence "L’archéologie du savoir territorial à la croisée de l'urbanisme et des sciences sociales naissantes en Belgique dans la première moitié du XXème siècle"] (