Metrolab welcomed the University of Paris 1 for an international workshop: "Bruxelles: les liens ville-canal"


From October 17th-21st, MLB welcomed an international workshop around the topic “Bruxelles: les liens ville-canal” organized for the students of the master in urbanism and spatial planning from Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne. The students explored the territory of the Canal and more specifically the site of Tour and Taxis, giving some fresh insights about the temporal uses and transformation process of an urban brownfield.

The workshop has been led by Jean Debry and Juliette Maulat, combining both fieldtrips, meetings with stakeholders and MLB researchers, analysis and prospective work. It has been a collaboration between Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne and the LOCI Metrolab team.

illustrations by Pam & Jenny — Website design & development by Variable