Ph.D student in sociology at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research Democracy, Institutions, Subjectivity, Catholic University of Louvain. Anticipate grant (Innoviris). Editorial board member of the scientific journals Émulations and Lectures as well as of the review board of Urbanités.
Research abstract
This research intends to reconcile the analysis of several scales and sectors of public policies that attempt to improve the social cohesion in Brussels. If these policies are usually studied separately, in spite of their resemblances (same territories, same users, similar methodologies, etc.), this research underlines their interfaces. These aspects can lead to situations of cooperation as well as competition. This inquiry combines three modes of data collection and analysis. The first one is the analysis of a corpus of documents such as: laws, regulations, communications to the population, press articles or flyers. The second one consists in the realization of around fifty in-depth interviews with field workers, projects’ or associations’ coordinators, civil servants, etc. The use of ethnography as a third method, allows to better understand the interfaces between these different professional worlds by observing spaces where they meet to exchange, share practices, resources, difficulties, etc.
To know more about Lionel's contribution in the framework of Metrolab:
- Penser les transformations par la comparaison. Action publique, villes et instruments
- Présentation de deux recherches à la Journée doctorale du CriDIS
- Colloque "Représenter les territoires" Rouen 22-24 mars
- European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry organisé par la KU Leuven
- Séances de recherche urbaine appliquée "Urban inclusion"
- Atelier d'été "L'Espace de l'écologie humaine: De Chicago à Bruxelles"
- Séminaire de recherche et cycle de conférences: "Ville et politique: approches cognitives"