About Urbanisme et paysage
This cycle is open to public and associative actors as well as researchers concerned by the landscape issues of metropolitan bioregions. The landscape, a complex system of nature and culture, shows the relationship between human settlement and the natural environment. From a bioregional point of view, it can be prospectively considered as a matrix of the urban fabric. Following this hypothesis, the seminar observes the landscape configurations existing and potentially bearing such a logic of development in Brussels or in other European urban regions. The horizon of this initiative is the creation of an observatory of/for the Brussels metropolitan landscape, an interdisciplinary platform bringing together locals and experts as well as pedagogical dynamics, to reflect the territory in the twofold sense of giving it to see and think. Through surveys, new representations, comparative studies and prospective scenarios, this observatory will contribute to the public debate on the future of Brussels, in a post-carbon perspective and redeployment of local economies.
1. City-countryside Inclusion (22/09/2016) with Catherine Fierens, BE " Boeren Bruksel Paysans project" et Pr David Fanfani, UniFi " Implementation of the city-countryside pact: first operational steps for the agricultural park of the plain of Florence ".
2. Metropolitan productive landscapes (13/12/2016) with Pr David Fanfani UniFi & Pr Michèle Tranda-Pittion UniGe : Towards a network of exchanges and research on metropolitan productive landscapes